Refurbished Tonopen XL
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Chair and Stand
Burton 3200
Features of Chair and Stand Burton 3200:
- Burton 3200 Chair with XL 2300 Instrument Stand
- Manual back chair
- Sealed hydraulic system proven in the industry sold for more than
25 years by Burton
- 2 arm standwith Counter Balance slit lamp arm. A push of a button
the slit lamp arm is moved up and down very easily.
- durable membrane control panel
- very contempory looking
- on the counter balance arm there is a button that also allows one
to move the chair up and down in the Chair and Stand Burton 3200
- foot controls, controls on the panel and the button on the counter
balance to move the chair.
- 3 charge well compatible with most handles(Welch Allyn, Heine, Vista,
- rheostat for the overhead lamp
- a place to plug the Bio Indirect with voltage selector on the stand
control panel in the Chair and Stand Burton 3200
Price for Chair and Stand Burton 3200
Our Price: $5,995
If you need more information regarding
Chair and Stand Burton 3200
please fill the form and specify the model in the Comments Field.
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Chair and stand burton 3200 ? Go to chair and stand page.
accept all major credit cards
Phone: (305) 781 3117
Optivision2020, Inc. and Integral Medical Solutions Inc
9808 NW 80th AVE
Unit 10 - J
Hialeah Gardens FL. 33016