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Visual Pediatric Test Fixation Sticks
Guldens new Visual pediatric test fixation sticks provide a series of
detailed accomodation-stimulation targets for the young patient. The targets
are calibrated
for near. Included are (as examples) a clown face, a dog, a beach ball,
etc. Each target is in brilliant color for patient ease.
The visual pediatric test fixation sticks set consists of three (3) extremely
durable plastic sticks with both sides utilized for targets.
Single sticks can be used for performing various tests: unilateral (cover/uncover)
test at near, alternating cover test at near, pursuit testing, near point
of convergence (NPC), motilities (ductions and versions), vergence facility
at near, fixation stability at near in diagnostic positions of gaze, amplitude
of accomodation, and accomodative facility. Dual sticks with different
optotypes exposed to the patient can be used for saccade testing.
Price for Visual Pediatric test Fixation Sticks
Our Price: $15
If you need more information regarding the
Pediatric Fixation Sticks
please fill the form and specify the model in the Comments Field.
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Test? Go to Home

accept all major credit cards
Phone: (305) 781 3117
Optivision2020, Inc. and Integral Medical Solutions Inc
9808 NW 80th AVE
Unit 10 - J
Hialeah Gardens FL. 33016
